Sunday, January 30, 2011

This New Blog

Not that new anymore.

This is my new Red Sox blog called Red Sox 360.  If you are interested in either helping write for this blog or helping share it to your friend using social networking please email me at or leave a comment with your email. I will be paying 10% of the ad revenue (not a lot until we get more viewers) to the first writer. The second and third writers will each get 5% of the ad revenue. I will also be writing. Also feel free to share with your friends using social networking without my permission. This blog is for information and fun between users. We will be having a chat everyday for our users in the comments box of our latest article. Feel free to invite your friends to join the chat. We will also add a glossary. Fell free to comment on any post as long as it follows our code of conduct. And last of all have fun and enjoy!

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