Friday, April 29, 2011

Ichiro's Speeches Helping AL Win - Vote Ichiro for the All Star Game

The AL All-Star team has won every game (except last year's) Ichiro has played in since 2001, when Ichiro joined the team. Coincidence? I don't think so. 

The tradition began in 2001 when Ichiro made his first All-Star appearance. Many people thought Ichiro could barely speak English or couldn't at all. He proved them wrong. Ichiro has been making a speech to the All-Star team every year which seems effective and I see why. As you know, the best of the Bigs are chosen every year to represent their league in front of tons of fans. This can be tense and stressful for the players but Ichiro loosens them up with his speech. 

After the manager talks to the team, Ichiro, the little 5 foot 9, 190 pound man filled with enough energy to fuel a rocket, bursts out of the locker room and in English continues to bash the National League All-Stars with all slang he knows. Most players don't remember exactly what he is saying because they are laughing too hard.

           “If you’ve never seen it, it’s definitely something pretty funny,” Morneau said. “It’s hard to explain, the effect it has on everyone. It’s such a tense environment. Everyone’s a little nervous for the game, and then he comes out. He doesn’t say a whole lot the whole time he’s in there, and all of a sudden, the manager gets done with his speech, and he pops off.”

Here is my best guess of his speech:
           "Bleep... bleep bleeep bleep... bleeeeeeeeep bleepin.... National.... bleeeep bleeepin... All- bleeeep Stars bleep bleep National - bleep bleep ...!"

When asked how much it helped them win, Ichiro said:

           “I’ve got to say over 90 percent,” he said. 

After Tejada moved from the American League to the National league this season, he said    
           “I hope Fukudome does it this year,” Tejada said.   

Fukudome's response:
           “I have no plans for that,” Fukudome said.      

Ichiro talks to many first basemen (2279 hits) but his speeches still find a way to surprise them.

Feel free to comment!


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